Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) Solution
Infrastructure as a Service (IAAS) is a solution that allows you to deploy cloud infrastructure and access it from anywhere. It provides users with virtual servers and storage space in their data centre or elsewhere using commodity hardware such as PCs, rack servers or blade servers. The best way to look at IaaS is like renting space on someone else’s server, but with much more control over how you use it. Applications are delivered via the Web, so users can access them from anywhere with an internet connection.
Why use Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) Solution?
IAAS allows organisations to use cloud computing services based on the internet. It means that the cloud provider provides the virtual server, operating system and storage, which you can then use to run your applications on top of it. The main advantage of incorporating an IaaS solution is the fact that it saves time and cost compared to traditional models with hardware setup needs. Users do not even have to manage the infrastructure. Simply put, you pay for what you use when you need it and get rid of everything when not needed anymore.
It is also beneficial with the popular trends of remote working since users can now access data anywhere at any time. Companies adopting IaaS into their system can even hire global talents since the geographical limitation has been lifted with IaaS solutions.
Due to the complexity of IT operations, it is a rare case for a company to adopt only one solution, and this is where the hybrid cloud comes in handy.
With Amidas, you can benefit from a hybrid cloud solution combining the best on-premises and cloud security. Our experts are experienced in building and deploying new systems for your enterprise while at the same time, finding the right balance between security, performance and cost.
Azure IaaS
Microsoft offers highly secure and scalable cloud services with Azure IaaS. It is a disparate cloud infrastructure that binds different tools together for your team to innovate anywhere and become leaner, from on-premises, multi-cloud and edge environments. Azure IaaS accelerates teamwork and clears IT infrastructure roadblocks to support your business growth goals. You can also trust Microsoft Azure’s ability to offer an unmatched level of security.
Hybrid Cloud with AWS
One of the world’s most broadly adopted cloud platforms, Hybrid Cloud with AWS is a powerful computing stack that allows organisations to deploy almost any combination of IT infrastructure. Hybrid Cloud with AWS brings comprehensive cloud infrastructure and services to the table and makes digital transformation possible in every organisation. IT professionals can manage all the applications on-premises and at the edge at a global scale with AWS to maximise productivity at a much lower cost.

- Advance Specialization – Information Protection and Governance
- Specialization – Threat Protection
- Gold Partner – Cloud Platform
- Gold Partner – Collaboration and Content
- Gold Partner – Messaging
- Gold Partner – Windows and Devices
- Gold Partner – Datacenter
Get in touch with the Amidas experts to empower IaaS
at your organisation today.
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